Brookdale Neighborhood
Homeowners Association
  • chevron_rightWhat is the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA)?
    The Brookdale Neighborhood Association or BHA (short for the legal name Brookdale Homeowners Association, Inc.) is a voluntary civic and social organization with the goal of promoting community in the Brookdale neighborhood. Owners and renters who reside within the Brookdale neighborhood boundaries are invited to join--single family homes, townhomes and condominiums.
  • chevron_rightDo I have to become a member of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association?
    No. The Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) is a voluntary civic and social organization.
  • chevron_rightHow much does it cost to become a member of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA)?
    Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) offers two membership types:
    • Full Membership (owners)
    • Associate Membership (non-property owners/renters)
    Annual dues are $30 per property.
    Please visit the Join the BHA page for more information on membership.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the benefits to joining the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA)?
    Members of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association enjoy the following:
    • Annual membership directory and member services listing (both a hard copy directory and exclusive access to the online member directory)
    • 10 issues of our Babbling Brook e-newsletter
    • Members-only social events and activities (year round)
    • Discounts to BHA-sponsored social events
    • Members-only discounts for local businesses
    • Members-only email communication regarding BHA events, neighborhood news and announcements
    • Proactive civic participation in local issues that affect residents
    • A strong community relations program
    • Block party organizational assistance
    • Welcome bag and guide for incoming new Brookdale neighborhood residents
    • Discounted advertising rates
    • Annual General Meeting where members are eligible to vote in the BHA Board Member election and discuss ideas and issues face-to-face with fellow neighbors
    Please note that the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) and the Brookdale Racquet Club (BRC) are not affiliated in any way and are separate entities.  For more information on pool and tennis membership at Brookdale Racquet Club, please visit www.brookdaleracquetclub.com.
  • chevron_rightDo members of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) get access to neighborhood pool and tennis club?
    No. Please note that the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) and the Brookdale Racquet Club (BRC) are not affiliated in any way and are separate entities.  For more information on pool and tennis membership at Brookdale Racquet Club, please visit www.brookdaleracquetclub.com.
  • chevron_rightAre memberships transferrable?
    If you are a current Brookdale Neighborhood Association member who is moving to another home in the Brookdale neighborhood boundaries, your membership remains intact.  Otherwise, your membership ends when you move outside the boundaries.
    If you are moving into a home that’s previous residents were Brookdale Neighborhood Association members, membership does not transfer with the home.  New residents are encouraged to join the Brookdale Neighborhood Association as members!  Visit the Register Now page of the website to join.
    Please see your Block Captain for more information. Please visit the Block Captains page of the website for a currently listing of Block Captains in the Brookdale neighborhood.
  • chevron_rightHow often does the Brookdale Neighborhood Association Board meet and what is discussed at the meetings?
    The Board of Directors meets at least six times a year to conduct business and financial affairs of the Association. Each director provides an update at the meetings, upcoming events and planning is discussed, along with any other issues or concerns if needed. 
    Annually in June, the Annual General Meeting of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association is held where Board Members elections are held. Members are invited and encouraged to attend to give feedback and to learn about projects and other community issues. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) boundaries?
    The Brookdale Neighborhood Association’s boundaries are defined as Route 59 east to the West Branch of the DuPage River, and Diehl Road south to North Aurora Road.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I get a copy of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (BHA) Bylaws?
    Members of Brookdale Neighborhood Association may find the Brookdale Homeowners Association, Inc.  bylaws on the Documents page of the website.
  • chevron_rightWho is on the Board of Directors and what are the qualifications to serve on it?
    The Board of Directors is comprised volunteers (unpaid) who are property owners residing in the Brookdale neighborhood: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Membership Director, Civic Director and Social Directors who serve two-year terms. For a current listing of our officers, please view the Board of Directors page on the website. To contact the Board of Directors, please visit the Contact Us page.
    You must be a Full Member of the Brookdale Neighborhood Association (owner) to be able to serve on the Board and/or vote in Board elections.  Associate Members are also invited to attend meetings to listen to the proceedings and share feedback, but they cannot vote or hold a Board position. 
    Anyone is welcomed to volunteer for a special committee!
  • chevron_rightWho is my Block Captain and what does my Block Captain do?
    Block Captains are designated for each street in the Brookdale neighborhood. They are a team of neighbors who volunteer their time to help keep members informed of Brookdale news, welcome new neighbors, get neighbors involved in events and are available to answer any questions residents may have about the neighborhood. Block Captains work closely with the Board of Directors.
    Block Captains also distribute the annual hard copy of the Babbling Brook newsletter to all residents on their street, help coordinate BHA membership drive, and distribute a hard copy of the annual membership directory to members on their street.
    Please visit the Block Captains page of the website for a currently listing of Block Captains in the Brookdale neighborhood.
    If you are interested in becoming a BHA Block Captain, please contact us.
Naperville Municipal
  • chevron_rightWhat is the height restriction for grass / weeds?
    Section 4-3-2.1 of the municipal code states that grass / weeds may not exceed eight (8) inches in height in the right-of-way and eight (8) inches in height on private property. This section also states that any weeds such as jimson, burdock, ragweed, thistle, cocklebur or other weeds of a like kind are not permitted to grow or remain anywhere in the city except in designated natural landscape areas. To report a grass and/or weed violation, please call (630) 420-6693.
  • chevron_rightDo I need a permit for the work I am doing at my house?
    Decks, driveways, fences and swimming pools all require permits.  Most remodeling projects (e.g. basements or kitchen upgrades) will also require a permit, particularly if you are removing or adding walls, modifying electric or plumbing, or enlarging windows or doors. Before beginning your project, please call the City of Naperville Development Services at (630) 420-6100, option 2, to determine whether or not a permit is needed.  Even though a permit is an additional cost, the inspections that are included as a part of the cost of the permit both ensure that the job is done in conformance with all applicable codes and that the end product is safe for you and your family. More information regarding building permits may be view on the City of Naperville website.
  • chevron_rightCan I direct my sump-pump discharge to the sidewalk or street?
    No.  Section 9-1A-16.1.1 of the municipal code states that it shall be unlawful to deposit on any street any material which make said street slippery or which may be harmful to the pavement or storm drain thereof, or any waste material, or other articles which may do injury to any person, animal or property.
    In addition, section 9-1H-2 of the municipal code states that any person owning any lot or parcel of land must keep clean and open for public passage any sidewalk or sidewalks abutting on or adjacent to such lot or parcel of land.
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for keeping the sidewalk clear of overgrown bushes and trees?
    Section 9-1H-2.2 of the municipal code states that the property owner must maintain the public way in a safe condition for pedestrians, free of all obstructions, excavations, tall grass, weeds, trash, debris or other substances or materials which may interfere with the free use of such passageways by the public; and from all trees and bushes interfering with the free use of sidewalks.
  • chevron_rightWhen can garbage containers be placed at the curb and when do containers need to be removed from the curb?
    Section 4-2-3.1 of the municipal code states that garbage containers may be placed at the curb the evening before the day of collection and must be removed from the curb by 7:00pm the day of collection.
    Residential garbage and recycling collection is on Tuesdays in the Brookdale neighbhorhood. When collection falls on a holiday, garbage collection will be one day later. It's recommended to have garbage and recycling bins placed at your curb by 6:00am on collection day.
    Additional Guidelines
    • Containers may be up to 32-gallon in capacity and 60 pounds in weight unless using Naperville garbage carts. Naperville garbage carts come in 35-, 68- or 95-gallon sizes and are limited to 220 pounds so trucks can lift them.
    • Containers should be sufficiently strong to prevent spills and wind-carry.
    • Furniture and appliances are included in the normal collection.
    • Tires, hazardous liquids and landscape materials are banned from landfills and cannot be collected with normal trash. 
  • chevron_rightWhat can I do about my neighbor’s tree that overhangs my property?
    In most cases this will be a civil issue.  If you believe a code violation may be involved, please call the City of Naperville code enforcement line at (630) 420-6100, option 3, and an inspection can be scheduled to determine if there is a violation that can be addressed.
  • chevron_rightCan I have a basketball hoop in the street or on the sidewalk?
    No.  Section 9-1A-11.2 of the municipal code states that it shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create or maintain any obstruction on any street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or other public way.  This includes basketball-hoops, whether they are permanent or movable.
  • chevron_rightDo I have to shovel my sidewalk?
    Yes.  Section 9-1H-2 of the municipal code states that any person owning any lot or parcel of land must keep clean and open for public passage any sidewalk or sidewalks abutting on or adjacent to such lot or parcel of land.  The sidewalks should be cleared of snow and ice within 48 hours following the weather event.
  • chevron_rightCan I take snow from my driveway and /or sidewalk and place it in the street?
    No.  Section 9-1A-16.1 of the municipal code states that it shall be unlawful to deposit on any street any material which make said street slippery and also states it shall be unlawful to remove any snow or ice from any private property and deposit the same upon any public street or alley or any part thereof.
  • chevron_rightCan I park my vehicle on the sidewalk?
    No. Section 11-2A-6 of the municipal code states no vehicle shall be parked in such driveway entrance in such manner that any part of the vehicle, including fenders or bumpers, extends over the roadway or curb line, or the sidewalk line.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules in regard to overnight parking?
    Section 11-2A-8 of municipal code states that no person shall park any vehicle on any street or alley between the hours of 2:00am and 5:00am of any day, except in an emergency. From time to time, such as holidays, the Naperville Police Department will suspend the overnight parking restrictions.
    In emergencies, call the Police Department at (630) 420-6666 for special street parking permission.