The Brookdale Neighborhood Association is comprised of volunteers throughout the neighborhood—several Board Members, four regional newsletter distributors, 60+ block captains and several special committees.
Events and activities in Brookdale cannot happen without the help of volunteers throughout the neighborhood. Please review the 2023 volunteer opportunities at the link below and sign up for those you are interested in assisting with! Many volunteer opportunities are available from home and/or onsite on the day of the event. A Board Member or event chairperson will follow up with you closer to the time of the event with more information on specific needs for volunteer.
View the 2023 volunteer sign-up form.We cannot do it without YOU--thank you for your consideration and willingness to serve as a volunteer in the Brookdale neighborhood! Please feel free to contact us directly if you have an idea for a special committee, event or would like to fill a vacant position, we encourage you to do so!